PE Lay Flat hose

Advantages: High strength due to polyester fibers Light…

PE pipe (16-32)

Advantages: High Durability and long life Fast and…

Drip irrigation tape (Flat emitter)

Advantages: The most accurate irrigation method with high…

Single blade labyrinth Drip irrigation tape

Advantages: The ability to automate the irrigation system…

Water is not scarce with Tarom Plast…

Tarom Plast is a group in the field of producing plastic products, and specialized in the field of agricultural pipes and water transmission, which started its activity in 1992 under the supervision of Keshavarz engineering and machine building group.

Ways of communication:

Address: Tehran-Qom highway, 5 km after Imam shrine, Hasanabad entrance, Shamsabad industrial town, Bostan boulevard, 17 Golban street, No. 15, Tarem Plast plastic factory
Phone: +982156236214
Fax: +982156236828

Last posts:

why drip irrigation

PE Lay Flat hose

PE pipe (16-32)

Tarom Plast :

Tarom Plast is the only irrigation tape production group in Iran that produces all sizes of irrigation tapes from 10 to 60 cm and also with a wide range of irrigations. This collection has water and soil certification and always strives to maintain quality.